Monday, October 1, 2012


Do you remember the wood project from a blog months ago?
the one where all that raw lumber was stacked and we were painting them one by one
washing them with just a hint of grey?
The light doesn't really capture the color...this looks more gold, but in reality it is a very soft grey

This weekend was spent hanging the fixtures that I've been on the search for since early summer
(better cool those jets)

um...they have no bulbs yet because
oh please excuse me..did that seem like I was raising my voice?
Would they not be delightful if they were flickering and dimming?

No need to worry about getting shocked in the back of 822
nope we are but a spec on the electrical radar

This pretty little number was hung over the big tub 

that was in our front yard on this so long ago day
I wrote a blog that I think was called a cialis moment and has caused me to get many many spam comments for the purchase of calming drugs which I am seriously considering purchasing 
to take off the edge off the fact that we have
NO ELECTRICITY's not an illusion..
yep...that's wiring you see there...
a beautiful light surrounded by wire...plenty of wire

I'm like um...can we get some

To appease my impatient self, dear hubs gets his cart before his horse and
tries to humor me by hanging this old mermaid masthead we purchased in Santa Fe
be honest...does that brown paper poking out of the light sockets not annoy you just a tidge?
It's been there just like that since
oopsie there I go again

it's pretty gosh darn heavy

and so dusty by all its time in our garage, it blurs the photo

I know it seems like all I do is whine about the stuff that isn't getting done,
but there are two sides to this story...

Our remodel has been extensive...but in a small area...those men could have built a house since last March...hey..wait...maybe THAT explains it...they did build a house since last March...
somewhere else!
(please forgive bitter tone)

2nd side...we have done so very much of this work ourselves
hanging lights and plugs and switches and dimmers with 
and while it seems poor Mr. PV is always in the dramatic places and I'm taking the pictures of him...well...that's true.

That's what good men do!

painting furniture is for the girls!


StagerLinda said...

Oh she is a beauty! Love the dusty mermaid up there taking charge of the house.

carolyn bradford said...

Remodels are so frustrating and yet so worth it in the end! Sometimes you do wonder, though! Your home is looking just fabulous! I know you will love it all once you have ELECTRICITY! lol! It will all be worth it!

Maureen Wyatt said...

I'll stick to the furniture painting and leave him the drama! What an amazing piece that mermaid is! ~ Maureen

Unknown said...

Dear one, I understand your frustration! It certainly is beyond spectacular and will be well worth it looking back.. Your ceiling is magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your taste in what youve selected matches the grandeur of the space. I love that ceiling and the grey wash. Your mermaid is looking over you and will guide your ship to port! What a great husband you have, and so hard working. Hang in there, and good luck with the electricity!
xo Nancy

Unknown said...

Dear one, I understand your frustration! It certainly is beyond spectacular and will be well worth it looking back.. Your ceiling is magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your taste in what youve selected matches the grandeur of the space. I love that ceiling and the grey wash. Your mermaid is looking over you and will guide your ship to port! What a great husband you have, and so hard working. Hang in there, and good luck with the electricity!
xo Nancy

stefanie said...

love love love it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh your house just gets better and better, sorry you're having some bumps in the road (no electrics) but it will come ( so is Christmas I just heard you say) lol, hang in there,

momto8 said...

our last remodel project was done by a group of Joheva Witness men who tried to convert me hourly. They did the best work! prompt, efficient and responsible. i gave their # to everyone of my friends. they are set with work for life and I think they will be my friends for life.

Taylor Greenwalt said...

Love the wood on the ceilings.It looks beautiful!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I agree, I am LOVING the wood ceilings, so dramatic looking! XO ~Liz

designchic said...

Oh it can be so frustrating, but so worth it. Love the ceiling and the amazing fixtures, but the mermaid is fabulous...hoping you get electricity soon!!

heather @ new house, new home, new life said...

Deep breathes, relax, take a bath. All well and good for us to sit here and tell you to relax. I hate, hate, hate being at the mercy of contractors - they seem to work on their own time schedule. I was in plumber hell last week - water and metal shavings all over the bathroom. And then he was back the next day to fix another problem and left a mess in the other bathroom.

Yikes!! I feel your pain, friend. In the meantime, can I say that I love the fixtures and the mermaid. You have such a great eye.