There are 10 Things I know I’m very good at..ok twelve….
1. I can sing. Ok well maybe not really sing like trying out for American Idol. In fact, when I told hubby I was going to try out for American Idol he simply stated I was not within the age parameters. He never said I couldn’t sing, so this must mean I can. And I do. But I hum well also. In fact I hum a lot.
2. I can paint with both hands. I believe they call this ambidextrous. I can’t write with both hands, but I can paint with both hands and when I paint I often do because painting can make me real tired. I am lucky like this because I get done faster and don’t have to rest.
3. I am pshyic. This is kind of scary but it’s true. I just get a feeling and man it happens. A. Lot.
4. I am optimistic. People tell me this all the time. I’m an encourager. I like to make people feel better. In Revelations it says that we will be known by a new name….we all have a white stone with our new name on it. Mine will be Encourager.
5. I can type fast with long fingernails. I have been taking a break from teaching myself to play the cello so now I get to have long fingernails. See how fast I typed this? I love that clickty sound.
6. I can solve puzzles on Wheel of Fortune. Winter mode means supper when the sun goes down in front of a warm fire, watching Wheel of Fortune. I could so win a car!
7. I can write a good thank you letter. This is a dying art I’m telling you. Not only do people not write good ones they don’t write them. Shame. Take a little moment, get some pretty stationary that speaks of your personality, and give it your all. They are fun to read and fun to write. Don’t let it die. Do it and do it good!
8. I can wallpaper. I love love love wallpaper. And because I’m psychic, I always know where I’m going to hang pictures, so you will find that I might hang a strip or two of wallpaper and then a picture. I can get way ahead of myself on this, but being way ahead is just how I am.
9. I can set a festive table. Just this past weekend’s wine pairing for example…a black and white batik table cloth, black linen napkins, a black square plate centerpiece with tea lights, more candles, five kinds of plates, and five kinds of glasses to go with five kinds of wine paired with five kinds of food…but best of all…menus for everyone with my signature sealing wax bumble bee. And salt and pepper shaker lovebirds.
10. I can make clay balls. In fact, I actually came to my computer to find my recipe and started writing this instead. So now I will go make my clay balls and hum something Friday-ish. This also evidences my ability to multi-task…which could very well be number 11. And number 12?….see photo…I can photo shop pretty darn good!