Monday, November 23, 2015


Do you have lots of bibles around your home?

it would not be hard to find a bible in my house

This is Mr. PV's bible that he had in has been read well over the years...I love how it looks and smells

This is the bible my dad gave my mother on their wedding day

one of the sweetest things I've ever seen

This is the children's bible that's mixed in with all the toys under the coffee table that I hope will be read to all the littles over the years in our home

This is the bible I read...and it has an interesting history
the glasses and the book cover belonged to my grandmother

this bible belonged to my ex-husband....I gently covered his name with an address label

I wanted it because it belonged to Grace for a while and it has her little 5th grade handwriting in it
it has her grandmother's handwriting in it...and I adore has been read, hauled around, thumbed through, written in, highlighted and cried over...for many many years now


Grace (text):  Abdon Ponce's (murdered his mother and her boyfriend last week) wife was ISO a bible on Perryton Pickers
Me:  What? (I am surprised that someone would be ISO a bible...aren't they everywhere?)
Grace:  I mean of all the family there's not a bible?  I think she looks sweet, they have 3 tiny boys
Me:  Do you feel called?
Grace: yes, from moment one

This is my miracle jar...when I have a miracle occur or an answered prayer...I jot it down and put it in this jar.  On this day that Grace felt a calling to contact the mother involved in this horrible tragedy in our occurred to me as I wrote down the date and our texts back and forth...that...

miracles happen all around us 

but what if


WE...might be the miracle that happens to others

God's Words


Unknown said...

We have my Bible that my ex-husband gave me after I was baptized. It has the names of my grandchildren and the date they were born. It means a lot to me (even if it did come from a previous life).

NanaDiana said...

Oh- There are miracles all around and those last picture of three miracles is priceless.

Yep- lots of bibles here- hubby is a pastor so you know how that goes. xo Diana

Laura said...

Worn, loved bibles and a miracle jar.

What more do you need?

I hope your Thanksgiving was blessed because YOU are such a blessing.
