Did you know that cardinals (and other birds) feed each other?
Scientists have offered three different theories to explain courtship feeding: (1) courtship feeding allows females to evaluate the kind of parent a male would make for her offspring, (2) courtship feeding strengthens the bond between mated males and females, or (3) courtship feeding provides nesting females with extra nutrition during a time when they can’t travel far to forage.
I sit most mornings very early, drinking a cup of coffee, reading my bible, thinking about the day before me...watching nature wake up.
The last few days I have seen a pair of cardinals at my feeder and witnessed the male hopping over to the female and gently placing a seed in her beak. I could not stand how precious this was!!
I began to read a little bit about it and you can too at the link above.
I told my daughter this morning
"let your man be the man...depend on him to take care of you in all ways...and you do the same for him in the ways you can....
a tidy home that smells like supper when he walks in...laundry tumbling...baby sleeping..fire burning, flowers on the window sill....
let him earn the living
you make life worth the living
romance in the most simple form
right outside my window