Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This is not  Bella but it could be
(via google)

Let me begin by saying
really I do

I have had many beloved dogs over the years and I am a dog lover from the depths of my soul
now we don't have a dog, 
no fence plus too much travel equal no pets
I love your dogs too
at your house!

We have had a jalopy fence since we moved to 822 and in the midst of all our construction
it was, well, down the line of priorities...but finally....the time came

Even though it was on the list...we were sort of rushed into the plan by our neighborhood pitbull Bella
Bella likes our pool floats, our patio cushions, our shoes left on the porch, our hedgehog shoe scraper, our baskets that hold towels and well...Bella likes the pool

I have found our stuff
in the neighbor's yard(s)
in the street 
in the alley
and even in her yard at her house down the street
and then one day I found Bella swimming

we called
we facebook messaged
we went for a visit
we asked nice
we asked less than nice
then we asked directly
with the magic word

please keep Bella home

It took a few days to get the supplies
lumber ladders nails and hard work
it dried up enough to begin work on the sod again
***Cute yard man told me he has never put in a yard that it didn't rain...
we got two (unheard of JULY) rains during this time and it even rained while they were laying the sod**

why these two could be in fence uniform
blue shirt* black shorts* cap*
hey Mr. PV I better get you one of those tool belts for your birthday !


chair that no one will sit it in
boxes that cover marble and stone with random black widow spiders

pool protected from Bella
floats safely bobbing in the night breeze
ready for precious friends to visit

I wonder who Bella will visit now since 
we finally have some
Thank you dear heart
you are "ma man"!

Friday, July 19, 2013


With our dear loved one filming on location in Santa Fe
he's always bringing us back the most wonderful treasures~
this time from

I can't bear to put them away because they are so lovely

and fragrant

and interesting

and colorful

Hatch powder from Hatch Chiles in Hatch New Mexico
we call this 
Hatch Heroin
mixed with mayo?...you'll know why it's like heroin
I've never had heroin or know anyone who did... but I get it!

we put the crumbled pistachios as a crust on fish
add in some tarragon from the back yard?
Pistachio Heroin Heaven!

like Christopher Columbus' gold
all laid out artistically to see and smell

fresh ground anything is spectacular!

hey...how did this get in there?
local farmer's market blend

and while I do love the spices
my very favorite of all to cook with?

Salt is born of the purest of parents
 the sun and the sea

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


One of my favorite little phrases that I hear often from this sweet mouth is


in our situation, I find myself wanting to offer our neighbors a bit of privacy
not that we have that many shenanigans going on and we are seldom out past 9 PM

but we always knew we'd build a very tall fence in our backyard
once cute carpenter man
and Mr. PV could get together to build it!

this brings back some distant memories of all that pine that needed to be grey washed to go on our master ceiling..whew! glad we got that part done!

we have had the strangest weather this year...100+ in May
and now in July?  Almost 2 inches of rain in the last 2 days with record lows for
the highs and the lows...set back in the early 1900's.
And rain predicted all week!
it's been far too wet for the sprinkler system crew to work...so that project is on hold
and even though the yard is really muddy...it didn't stop these two!

this fence will have slats over the top of what you see 
with a nice cap on top of that...not only private, but very tall
I am so excited for the gate...it will have a double opening with something very fancy I am told

to make up for...oopsie

they had about two hours in which to work before the next wave of rainstorms arrived

we have been in a long drought so no one complains of the rain
no one!

Mrs. Hergert had a fire pit before fire pits were cool
we uncovered this one which was under years of Virginia Creeper
we found some of the original brick left over so it will be taller and have red flagstone

this is the view from the firepit
the pool that we haven't been able to use much
last year it was under construction
this summer
well...the rest of the yard is under construction

so I have been amusing myself in other ways

like growing veggies

dreaming of flowerbeds

eating kumquats
and waiting my turn!

Monday, July 15, 2013

JULY 12, 2013

was a very good day!

backyard sprinkler system begins!
Privacy fence...going up!  Holes dug, lumber on the trailer!

Sister Day in Southlake, Texas
this event date was chosen as to not interfere with the nearing
due date of Baby Perrilyn...August 4

how many July 12ths have I received a phone call past midnight that
scared me half to death in reference to this son of mine?

we were "deep in the Knob Creek" if you know what I mean and time slipped away
had it not been for that...we would have already retired for the evening and I would have not heard my phone ring at 12:06 AM to let me know...

the baby was coming

we considered driving the six hours to Amarillo right then but
*Knob Creek*

so...we stayed up talking until nearly 3 AM and got up at 5 to 
get to the hospital in Amarillo

"we're pushing"
at 1:20 PM...was the text...(I am the mother in law this time and
 not at bedside...just lollygagging down the hall...waiting)

after lots of hard work the decision was made for a 

July 12, 2013
2:14 PM

Perrilyn Hazel Davis
10 minutes old

Betty has spent almost the entire summer with her dad
and this was the ONLY weekend we had her until August
we think they had plans in heaven for Perrilyn to arrive early so Betty could be there!

let the photo op begin!

proud Poppy n B

Proud aunt and cousin!

Proud aunt and cousin
Does God answer the prayers of a mother in the wee early morning hours
when she speaks to Him on behalf of her children?


who's next????