Let me set the stage.
Late 1970’s…hometown news that includes a column called "Among the Neighbors"..gossip…who came to visit..where did they stay..what did they do…
Bobby and M live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and come home for a visit.
Bobby has named his male "ahem" (really why do men do this?) Bert
He’s always talking about Big Bert, His Buddy Bert, Bert is so Big…(this is an adult blog btw)
They visit for a few days and go back home
I get a phone call from "Among the Neighbors…"…"can you tell me about your company over the weekend?"
I explain that Bobby and M and daughters come back for a visit…and also include that Bert was here as well
This is printed in the paper and he is getting calls from all sorts of people..including his new mother in law…
Well that’s what he gets for putting a dirty diaper in my sock drawer.
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